Tuesday, June 24, 2008


This is Michaela; her parents live down the street and I took these through my bedroom window; I have become such a stalker! :)
Anyway, Michaela and her mom came home the other day (as I was stalking another family who was walking down the street) and she ran ahead of her mom to open the door. When she couldn't turn the handle (it was locked)....

....she thought maybe hanging off the door and kicking it might help! It didn't. I would have been able to catch her tantrum....err....reaction had our doorbell not rang.
Who was at the door you might ask? The florist was delivering some anniversary flowers. You might think "oh, what a nice husband"......but no, once again the "special occasion" flowers were from my mom. Anyone else seeing a pattern here?!?!?!
It took me an hour to dig out a vase (do you think I could remember where it was packed?!?!) but I finally did so here's a shot for my mom, it's probably the most multi-coloured bouquet I have ever seen and it looks lovely in my kitchen! Thanks Mom!
I should also note that Brannon's parents gave us a little (big) something as well. From them we received a great new cooler AND it contained drinks....our favourites (beer for Brannon and new pomegranite coolers for me)! It seems the wedding stuff just never ends! :)

When Brannon got home from work around 8:30 pm, we spent the rest of the evening outside with our new neighbours digging post holes for our new fence (well, the guys worked while Marsha and I oversaw everything to make sure they were doing it right!! *wink wink*). How romantic huh??? What's nice though is that we're starting to get to know people around here....yay!


Alycia Hildebrand said...

The ones of the little girl are soooo cute! Typical little girl!

katei371 said...

I love the shots of the girl, how adorable!

That was so sweet of your mom to send you anniversary flowers! Now you have so many subjects for macro shots!

Jenn M said...

SO Cute :) I'm so glad I'm not the only photo stalker anymore :) And the flowers from your mom are beautiful!! :)

Sondra said...

What a beautiful bouquet!

Don't you just love pomegranent(sp?) coolers?!

Sherry said...

Aww..the little girl saga would have been worth the price of admission!!

I'm pleased the bouquet turned out so 'radiant'! Almost need your sunglasses on!!

Happy Day!!