Thursday, June 26, 2008

Building a fence is fun....ya right.

It's fence-building season! We're working on our first-ever fence and we're learning it's a lot more work than we initially expected. Our new neighbour got a great deal on cedar and we've been digging post holes through the ROCKY ground since last Saturday; and we're only half done. *sigh*
Anyway, the first photo is what the back yard currently looks like; now that I've shown it I suppose I'll have to update you as we go.....

This second shot doesn't even come close to doing justice to the actual size of that boulder....yes, a boulder, not merely a rock. It was about 2.5' down, directly in the centre of one of our post holes so we had no choice but to try to remove it. Brannon got really frustrated and quit so I decided I'd take a little garden shovel (one of those hand-held thingies) and do my best to dig as much of the dirt away that was surrounding it. We got to a point where we were able to jiggle it with the use of a crow bar but we could not budge it. Once our neighbour got home the guys took to it again, rigged up a pulley system of sorts and managed to get the darn thing out of the hole. It weighs about 50 lbs!!!! You can see how big it is next to the ball cap on the ground and the shovel in the back. It's monstrous and I have horribly painful blisters.......
Regardless, we survived fence-building adventure #1! Hopefully the rest will be "lighter".


Jenn M said...

aweee!! I'm sure it'll be worth it when it's done though!

The perspective on the second shot is killer :) Loves it!

And i LOVE your new header :) It's beautiful

Sherry said...

That IS one huge rock!

I know it's going to look great when it's finally done!

Good luck!

jillian said...

Agreed on the new header! So beautiful. I love the story the first picture tells (aka. How much work you get to do! haha). have fun!