Thursday, November 15, 2007

Les vins nouveaux....

I know, I know! This has nothing to do with wine....... :)

I carpool to my lab most days and today I was the passenger. I decided to bring my camera with me to work for other reasons (you'll see below) and I had it out in the car as I was *trying* to photograph some water droplets on the windshield. That didn't work out well but it came in pretty handy when we came upon this overturned car outside of St. Pat's high school on Alta Vista (for the Ottawa folks). Hopefully its occupants escaped uninjured :)

So, the real reason I had my camera with me was I was accompanying Brigitte on her inaugural 2007 trip (there will be more yet, surely) to the LCBO for her Beaujolais "fix". For those who aren't familiar with the tremendous popularity of 'les nouveaux vins' (like I wasn't until last year) in places east of Ottawa, these wines are introduced at this time each year and if you live in Moncton and haven't already paid a visit to your local distributor you're probably S-O-L. In Ottawa the rush isn't quite as fierce but you still have to be on-the-ball. Regardless, for us this wine isn't for general consumption, but for Brigitte and Craig's fourth annual New Wines Party that is set to happen in 2 weeks. For my husband and I, this party officially kicks off our holiday season and we wouldn't miss it for the world. Anyway, we bought a number of bottles this evening and will have to grab a few more in the next few days. So, I pulled out my camera in the LCBO and took a few pics; people must have thought I was nuts.

Beaujolais displays

Then we browsed around and I took several more pictures of labels I liked. Is this supposed to mean that your brain is the size of a grape OR that when it comes to wines you actually know what you're talking about?!?!?! :) :)

Reminded me of 'Grand feud' in a bottle with an Italian accent;
I am aware that that makes me a silly dork :)

I actually wonder if Mikey knows anything about making wine; this is in my husband's honour as he is currently away on a golf trip with the guys.

Again, for my hubby. Greg Norman makes great golf clothing;
I'm not so sure about the wines but I think I'd be willing to try them. After all, the Aussies make the best shiraz!

I just really like the contoured wall covered in vintages :)


Unknown said...

Mmmmmm! Makes me thirsty...
I'M FAMOUS! I'm on your blog! hahaha!!
Vive les vins nouveaux! Vive wine in general actually...
Can't wait to become your first official live model. Tee hee...!!


M.R. said...

that vino makes for such elegant pictures!!!