Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I've never been fond of losing the daylight so early at this time of year but I don't think I have ever been more aware of it than I was today. On my way home from the lab I was itching to get out and take some photos because

1) it was a gorgeous day;

2) I wasn't so thrilled with what I was able to produce last night in the rain (rain + darkness = icky, yucky, messy photographs).

I desperately had to stop by the store to get a few things for dinner and when I went in the store the sun was still shining brilliantly (it was early, only 4:15 pm). When I came out no more than 10 minutes later it was almost dark. MEH.
So, today you get photos of twigs; not exciting but not bad considering what I had to work with.

At first glance, this isn't so interesting but I liked the way the sun looked as it set and how it seemed to "light up" the twig. Upon closer inspection this is what I saw - it's fuzzy (see below). In a brief attempt to figure out why a twig would be fuzzy I did some digging to learn only that this is a winter twig (who knew twigs had levels of classification?!?!?) - I still don't know why it's fuzzy but I assume it has to do with either variety or age.

Lastly, as I mentioned it rained last night which also prevented any productive camera play but I did manage to run outside and catch this drip from a twig in the courtyard.

1 comment:

Janny A. said...

I LOVE the twig pictures! And the sunlight makes the twig in the first pictre radioactive looking! lol