Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Let it Snow...Let it Snow...Let it Snow...

Those of us who reside in Ottawa woke up this morning to our first real blast of snow of the season. In hopes of finding some interesting, yet undisturbed, scenes this morning, I got ready for work as quickly as I possibly could and ran around outside for a few minutes before heading off for the day. Here is what I came up with.

The snow seems to have wrapped itself around this twig; I thought it looked neat!

The neighbourhood cats were up and out way earlier than I was today!

In the summer this holds a potted plant outside on the balcony; today it just seemed to attract the snow!

Blankets of snow....

The snow melted before it could really cover anything but apparently we're in for lots more tomorrow.


Sondra said...

The cat print one is really nice. So defined, it must be a heavy kitty.

Theresa T said...
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Jenn M said...

great shots today! I especially love the first one. :)

Snow/frost/ice definitely makes for some great shots. I kinda hope we get some more soon LOL. I guess it's easy to wish for snow for hte few weeks Im left here though LOL

Theresa T said...

Oops- Sorry that was me deleting my first comment. I didn't read it before posting and it didn't make any sense so I'll try again...

Brrr... too cold for me!

I really like the first one with the way that the ice has wrapped itself around the branch.