Monday, March 10, 2008

A tribute to BJ

My parents had to put our dog down yesterday; it all happened so quickly I couldn't even get home to say good-bye. His health has been deteriorating for a long time but it got really bad this weekend. I think everyone knew it was over when he couldn't even bring himself to eat his favourite treat - garlic fingers from Pizza Hut - compliments of my dad.
BJ (aka [spelled like we would pronounce it] Baby, Beej, Beejee, Midget, Widget, Widge, Widgimous [my personal fave]) came to be with our family when I was a teenager. My sister worked (still does actually) at the local animal shelter and brought him home when he wasn't doing well there (he was always a spoiled lap-dog!). He was there in the first place because his owner passed away and he didn't have anywhere else to go. Clearly, he never went back and he's been with us for 12 years. Don't even ask how his name came to be BJ; it's a long story and we didn't name him :)
He had one of the most interesting dispositions I've ever known in a dog and I have so very many memories of this little character. I've put together a collection of my most recent photos of him. All the ones taken by me were taken since Christmas.
This post is mostly for me so don't feel like you have to make comments. I actually haven't told anyone personally yet because I can't keep it together long enough to speak about it.

He slept a lot in his old age...I must also add that I like his reflection in this shot :)

That's our other dog, Barnie (again, don't ask about the name) in the background. He might live to be 100!

BJ loved the snow; he always preferred to be cold over being warm.

He was "dad's dog" through and through. My father would lose his mind if he knew I put a picture of him on my blog; especially such an unflattering one of him :)

Waiting for "something"; that's what we always said when he was getting a treat (which was a cut green bean to keep his weight down).

These next 2 were not taken by me. Our wedding photographer took them on the morning of our wedding. In the first one, Barnie is doing exactly what it looks like, cleaning out BJ's ears. It's a gross and weird thing he always did for him :(
And of course, there had to be one with me and my boys :)

Lastly, one of the two of them together. I'm sure Barnie is sad and confused because they've been the best of friends for 12 years.


vivi's mom said...

Thinking of you Jenn. I'm sure your little BJ will be missed by all. It looks like he led a great life and thathe was well loved. We had to put our family dog down almost a year ago but it still seems like yesterday. They become such a big part of your life.

The pictures you have captured will always be a great reminder of him.

Alycia Hildebrand said...

I'm so sorry about your dog. What a sweet looking dog. I love all of the pictures of BJ. Great tribute!

Theresa T said...

I'm sorry to hear that. I especially love the second one (with the reflection). Something about the expression in that one.

M.R. said...

My heart goes out to you and your family. A good friend is having to put her bset friend of 12 years down today too - poor guy is suffering from cancer :(

He'll always be in your heart!

Katherine said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, losing a pet is one of the most difficult things. :( Judging from the pictures it looks like you gave him an excellent life and lots of love.

Jenn M said...

:( HUGS!! When my parents had to put our dog down two years ago it was so sad. He definitely looks like he lead a happy life with your family and he was loved. HUGS!

Callista said...

What a sweetheart! I'm so sorry for you loss :( I was a wreck when my family animals passed, they grow with you, and you share so many wonderful experiences together. I still get teary for each of them, they will always have a special place in our heart! :)