Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I got flowers :)

I've been moping around for a couple of days since we lost BJ (I'm going to miss him so much) and I don't think Brannon knows what to do with me....lol. I came home today to a pet sympathy card (Who knew they even made those?!?! Gotta love Hallmark) and a really beautiful bouquet of flowers that contained gerberas, button mums, yellow and white daisies, 2 gigantic callas, and some freesia. It was a really sweet gesture and, coincidentally, the majority of the flowers were yellow. Before you ask, nope, he didn't know this week's theme was "yellow".

I'm still deciding which photo to submit for the contest because I did take some other photos already but I thought that some snapshots from my bouquet would make a nice submission for today. You almost got more snow pics :) :)
When I actually got out of our complex I found the conditions were WAY worse in other areas (so kudos to the snow removal people, hired by the condo assoc'n) and, of course, I had to take some pics. I'll save them for a slow day....


Alycia Hildebrand said...

Great shots! Once again I'm so sorry about your dog. I hope you're doing a bit better. I need to ask, what is that last picture of?

Jennifer Rinaldi said...

I'm so sorry to hear about BJ. Dogs are so special in a family and I can't imagine how you're feeling. My lab is 5 and I can't imagine being without him...

The flowers came out beautiful in your photos.

Jenn M said...

First of all - how sweet was it that Brandon got you beautiful flowers and a card!!! Total keeper!

Second of all - Love love love the colors you got in the shots :)