Sunday, March 9, 2008

Even Tim Horton's is shut down!

Ok, so I know I've been discussing this storm a lot....and now you'll see why. I haven't heard the final amount that fell but I'm sure it's 50+ cm. People are stuck everywhere and even the Timmy's down the street is SHUT DOWN (along with everything else). Can you imagine?!?!?!? Whatever are we going to do?!?!!? lol
The first photo is outside of my patio door; I had to be quick (hence the poor angles, etc.) because I was afraid the snow would fall in the door!! To provide some kind of reference, that snow pile (not shoveled, that's how it fell) is taller than me (5'8")!!!
I live in an older town house complex and we're pretty much snowed in; the complex has been plowed (I knew there was a reason we pay such high condo fees!) but nothing outside of it has; so I was limited to where I could go. These are all in and around my house.

This next one is fun because it shows some of the snow hanging off a roof but I liked it more because of the kitty in the window :)

It's difficult to tell but these piles are taller than doorways!

This used to be a path; now it's beneath more than 6' of snow!


Alycia Hildebrand said...

WOW! That looks like the Blizzard of '97 that Manitoba had! Crazy!!!

Jenn M said...

OMG!! It looks like White Juan in Halifax in Feb 04!!

I hope you don't have to go to work tomorrow or that the roads are cleared well before you have to get out!!

vivi's mom said...

I know exactly how you feel. The snow piles on either sides of our driveway are like 2 feet taller than my DH who is 6'3"... Needless to say we didn't venture out at all this weekend.

Theresa T said...

Wow! The first thing that (strangely) comes to my mind is that's going to take a long time to melt :p

Jennifer Rinaldi said...

I just can't believe the amount of snow! WOW!