Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Watching grass grow

Some days are interesting....some not so today :)
I was kinda dreading the blog update for today because the most interesting thing I did was go to Henry's (photography store, if you don't know) and NOT buy anything!! I didn't have a photo plan and my back is still bothering me so I'm not about to get all acrobatic for picture-taking. In addition, I've got a lot on my plate these days with a big exam looming at the end of August, so today just wasn't a great day for photography.
So, our new house backs onto a school yard that's currently under construction, in fact, it's really behind schedule - or so that's what we've been told. They started laying the sod yesterday so I stood in our spare room window and snapped these (absolute minimal energy expended). Then I made dinner, some cookies for our neighbours, and now I'm hitting the books to put in a little time before 'So You Think You Can Dance' comes on. Geez, do I ever need to get a life!