Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fancy Feast

So, this obviously isn't really a post about photography. It's more me bragging about a really yummy dish Brannon made tonight. He's made it before but it's been a long time so I enjoyed it a lot. He made beef roulade. He pounded out some (marinated) steak, and rolled it up with pickles, peppers, onions and bacon. Then he baked it in the remainder of the marinade. He served it with roasted potatoes and green beans. YUM-O!
This is after I cut it in half...


Sherry said...

You two belong together, for sure!

Great job, Brannon, keep up the good work...what time's dinner tomorrow night?!?

Sandra :) said...


Pick me up on your way to their house, Sherry!

vivi's mom said...

YUM!!! looks amazing! Steak and bacon!! Delish!