Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tamil Tigers Protest

My friend Alex was visiting Ottawa today from Montreal and she brought her mom, Sonja, and Otti who were visiting her from Berlin/Vienna. It was Sonja's second trip here but Otti's first. We went on a walking tour of the market, Major's Hill Park, Parliament Hill and the surrounding area.
You probably know that a group of Tamil protesters have gathered at Parliament Hill, asking the federal government to intervene in the war in Sri Lanka. I've been concerned that the protest would prevent our visit to the Hill but, while chaotic and loud, the demonstration remains peaceful. Playing 'tourist' or not, you all know I would have had my camera with me so I couldn't resist taking a few shots - for you of course :)
It was a great day in terms of weather, sights, food and, of course, the company!

Even this kids are involved to some degree.

We all had a bit of a laugh here...only because it seemed that everywhere we went today we were reminded of Germans and their involvement in WWI/II - Alex and her mom are German :)

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