Sunday, April 26, 2009

Baby Boy

I spent the morning yesterday with Morgan, Rob and their handsome little man, Devon (along with Angela and Jean). Despite easy-going parents and baby who was really content, getting the perfect shots was still a bit of a challenge. Regardless, I had a lot of fun and it was a pleasure to meet Morgan and Rob!
I've been really busy this weekend and haven't had much time to even look them over but wanted to quickly post one. Here's Devon, straight out of the camera (with the addition of a frame because I just can't help myself - haha).

Today, I (along with Brannon, Mom, Stacie and Ann) participated in the Walk for Multiple Sclerosis. Our team raised $3800! Thanks to everyone who supported us!!
The weather started out rather cold, windy, and wet but once we got walking it was fine. *I* was the only one who didn't have a camera (go figure!) so I'm relying on others to pass some along so that I can update my blog!


Sherry said...

What a great shot from that perspective, Jenn!

(you're beautiful, Devon!)

And a great day was had by all doing The MS Walk! Not too shabby, placing in the top ten fundraising teams!

vivi's mom said...

Aww he is so cute! I love it and I love how he is looking right at you!

Congrats on the walk!

Anonymous said...

Looks great Jenn! I can't wait to see the rest!!! ~ Angela :)