Monday, August 18, 2008

The Thunder Rolls

Did we ever get a storm today! When the deep, dark clouds started to roll in it was still sunny on one side of my house and almost pitch black on the other. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it. The sky changed colours so many times and then it just got dark and started to POUR. I tried really hard to get a shot of the crazy lightning but you could only see it sporadically through the thick clouds and my hand-eye isn't that good anyway. Regardless, here are a few from today's storm! The sun is shining intermittently now :)


TandT said...

It was absolutely crazy how fast the dark clouds moved in yesterday and the lightning was unbelievable! Nice pics Jenn!

Sherry said...

Wow! Menacing-looking backdrop, that's for sure!

Great shots, Jenn!

Candice said...

That looks like a wicked storm! I love the raindrops in the last one.

Jenn B said...

I love the second shot!!