Friday, August 22, 2008

Hazy Moon

If you look outside now, you'll realize I didn't take these tonight. I took them last week and didn't like them enough to post. However, in the absence of anything interesting to post, this is what you get.
I don't have a tripod so taking pictures at night - even of something bright enough to light up the sky - is a challenge (and a half!). I balanced my camera on the roof of my car for was the best I could do! The reason for 3 of these is simply because I was playing with the settings, trying to find something that really *worked*. I'm not really sure it ever did but the photos did come out looking a bit different and it was settings-dependent. Do not ask what they were though, lol! These are totally unedited, except for the frames; this is not to say that I think they're great, just that this is what it actually looked like!

1 comment:

Alycia Hildebrand said...

Great shots!! I LOVE the first one!!