Sunday, November 23, 2008

"Indulge" in Marcus

So, I attended a bachelorette party last night for one of my friends. The night started out with dinner at the Metropolitain Brasserie restaurant downtown followed by a stop at a hotel room where we were paid a visit by Marcus - yes, yes - he is an exotic dancer/stripper. Oh - and *I* hired him...eek! ANYWAY, he paid much attention to our very-good-sport of a bride-to-be but, unfortunately, this is all I'm comfortable with showing since it's not my face/backside in the photos (lucky for you!). Let's just say that he put on quite a show and got all the girls stirred up!
After this encounter we headed off to dance the night away at Suite 34 but the crowd was way too young and rather uncooperative so we headed over to the Velvet Room where we ended the night with a bang! Thanks to all who helped organize and who attended! I'm sure our bride won't forget it any time soon!

Stripper bum anyone?!?!?!

Touchy feely!


Sandra :) said...

Old Aunt Sandra is just popping in for a ... WHOA!!! HELLO!!!!!!!! *gets distracted and forgets what she was going to say*


Sherry said...

Glad you all had fun !!

How did the red shoes fare out?