Wednesday, July 7, 2010

In my back yard

My tea rose is blooming!
A weed; but a pretty one :)

Whatever this thing is (a grub of some description) is killing my lilies :(
Yummy raspberries!

We were airing out our tent when I saw this little guy...


Hundionu said...

Pretty! I especially like the weed:) In Estonian it is called a mouse-pea (hiirehernes). In latin it's Vicia cracca.
I'm also glad to see a posting. I miss Ottawa! Even though I believe it is very, very hot there. Estonia has just a perfect summer weather - 28 degrees and dry. Yet, most people complain. I enjoy and I won't complain, because I remember how it felt in Ottawa.
Best wishes to you!!

Unknown said...

really cool pictures! love the focus on them! great job!