Tuesday, February 24, 2009


It doesn't feel very warm out but the snow is starting to melt;
could spring be just around the corner?

Monday, February 23, 2009


I know this isn't a new trick for the photo-bloggers but I'd never tried it before until this evening. I like! I opened up the book I'm currently trying to finish to a page somewhere around the middle but didn't pay any attention to the words...notice the 'puppy love' comment on the left?!?!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Princess and the Pea

I went into our guest room yesterday to find Bailie snoozing on top of a pile of folded blankets; it's not new behaviour but it's still cute. She's looking at me like she can't believe I'd disturb her for a photo - she definitely knows better!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Gifties :)

I know I've been terribly delinquent with my blog lately; the truth is I've been delinquent with taking photos as well - just haven't had anything worthy to shoot lately, nor the energy to do so. Anyway, I received a wonderful package today from Miss Lizzy and made the effort to actually photograph the items. THANK YOU so much!

If you don't know what Post Secret is, check out the highlighted text. I very easily get 'sucked in' to these stories; it's very reassuring some days to know that others have problems too :)
Not only is it a great read, I'm sure it'll make for a very interesting conversation piece too!

I'll end this post by noting that I will try harder to post more often again :)